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Version: v0.2.3

Modbus To IO-16

Setup the rubix-compute as a Modbus-Master to the IO-16 and read UI1 as a 10K sensor


RC is a rubix-compute
wires is a rubix-wires

  1. You need a rubix-compute and an IO-16
  2. wire the IO-16 into the rs485-1 the RC and power the RC, and IO16 and set the IO-16 address to 1 and baud-rate 38400
  3. make sure you can ping the RC default IP on ETH-1 is see networking for more info


  1. Download once downloaded just double-click on the icon to run
  2. Getting setup
  3. Add a token to download
  4. Add a supervisor
  5. Add a host (rubix-compute)
  6. Install module/plugin modbus

Add a network

We will add a modbus network with these settings

Network settings will be

  • serial port on 485-1 (left port on the rubix-compute)
  • set modbus baud-rate to 38400

Device settings (take off the cover to access the dip switches)

  • on the left dip-switch bank set the dip switches 00000001 (address 1)
  • on the right dip-switch bank set the dip switches 00000001 (device mode:rs485 mode modbus settings baud-rate:38400)

see dip switches for more info


see registers list for the IO-16

Add a Device and point to read a 10K sensor

  1. Open drivers and add a new network of type Modbus-RTU and set the port to 485-1 for more info on: ports
  2. Add a device and set the address to 1
  3. Add a point of type read register and address 1 as type int16 and the write mode to Read Always and Multiplication Factor to 0.01

Add a Device and point to write a 0-10dc

  1. Open drivers and add a new network of type Modbus-RTU and set the port to 485-1 for more info on: ports
  2. Add a device and set the address to 1
  3. Add a point of type write holidng register and address 1 as type int16 and the write mode to Write Always and Multiplication Factor to 0.01

see point write/read modes for the different point polling methods