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Version: v0.2.3

BACnet device

Setup the rubix-compute as a native BACnet/IP device


RC is a rubix-compute
wires is a rubix-wires

  1. You need a rubix-compute and an IO-16
  2. plugin the IO-16 into the side of the RC and power the RC and set the IO-16 address to 1
  3. make sure you can ping the RC default IP on ETH-1 is see networking for more info


  1. Download once downloaded just double-click on the icon to run
  2. Getting setup
  3. Add a token to download
  4. Add a supervisor
  5. Add a host (rubix-compute)
  6. Install apps driver-bacnet & rubix-wires

BACnet config

After the bacnet-driver is installed we need to

  1. Set the bacnet device-name
  2. Set the bacnet device-id
  3. Set how many IO-16s we have plugin into the side

Adding nodes in wires

So a BACnet-supervisors can read/write to the BACnet this is archived via by adding some nodes in wires

Reading a 10K temperature sensor via UI-1

Lets started with a simple example of reading a 10K sensor on UI-1 on device-1 (address 1)

  1. Add a node called bacnet-server (if not already added)
  2. Right-click on the bacnet-server node and Open Sub Flow
  3. Add a node called analog-input
  4. Right-click on the analog-input node and edit the node settings
  5. Set the IO Device Address to 1
  6. Set the UI number to 1
  7. Set the UI Input Type to thermistor_10k_type_2
  8. Deploy the flow

Writing to a relay via UO-1

Lets started with a simple example of writing a 12vdc Relay on UO-1 on device-1 (address 1)

  1. Add a node called bacnet-server (if not already added)
  2. Right-click on the bacnet-server node and Open Sub Flow
  3. Add a node called analog-ouput
  4. Right-click on the analog-ouput node and edit the node settings
  5. Set the IO Device Address to 1
  6. Set the UI number to 1
  7. Set the UI Ouput Type to digital
  8. To turn on/off the relay every 50 loop's (rubix-wires runtime looping) let's add a node called flow-loop-count
  9. Wire the toggle of the flow-loop-count to the in15 of the analog-ouput node
  10. Deploy the flow