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Version: v0.2.3




Description: Retrieves points from the Rubix-OS API for the given host ID name.


  • hostIDName (string): The ID or name of the host from which to retrieve points.

Returns: (any): Returns the response containing the points if successful; otherwise, returns an error.


Description: Fetches the network by the given module name for the specified host ID.


  • hostIDName (string): The host ID or name.
  • moduleName (string): The module name.

Returns: (any): Returns the response containing the network details if successful; otherwise, returns an error.


Description: Gets the points associated with a specific module name for a given host ID or name.


  • hostIDName (string): The host ID or name.
  • moduleName (string): The module name.

Returns: (any): Returns a slice of pointers to model.Point objects if successful; otherwise, returns an error.


Description: Retrieves points by module for all hosts. It constructs an output of all host data, including points, errors, and counts.


  • moduleName (string): The module name to retrieve points for across all hosts.

Returns: (any): Returns a slice of AllHostsPointsByModule structs, each containing host and points data, or an error if retrieval fails.


Description: Calculates and retrieves the points for all hosts in the RQL instance.

Returns: (any): Returns a slice of AllHostsPoints structs containing points data for all hosts or an error if there was a problem retrieving the hosts.


Description: Retrieves a point from the RQL instance using the specified host ID name and UUID.


  • hostIDName (string): The host ID or name.
  • uuid (string): The UUID of the point to retrieve.

Returns: (any): Returns the point data if successful; otherwise, returns an error.


Description: Writes a point value to the specified host and UUID.


  • hostIDName (string): The host ID or name where the point is located.
  • uuid (string): The UUID of the point to be written.
  • value (*model.Priority): The value to write to the point.

Returns: (any): Returns the response from the write operation if successful; otherwise, returns an error.


Description: Writes a point value with a specified priority to a host and UUID.


  • hostIDName (string): The host ID or name where the point is located.
  • uuid (string): The UUID of the point to be written.
  • pri (int): The priority of the point value.
  • value (float64): The value to write.

Returns: (any): Returns true if the write is successful; otherwise, returns an error.