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Version: v0.2.3

Getting Started

To add the BACnet-Master driver to a controller follow the steps in the previous sections:

Modules (Modules/Plugins) and Drivers (Protocols).

When adding the BACnet driver the default settings should be suitable for most applications but can be changed if required.

Important things to note before proceeding:

Adding a BACnet Network

  1. Open the host device you wish to add the BACnet network to
  2. Click on the Add add-button.png
  3. A pop up window will appear, click the BACnet Master.
  4. Provide the required details for your BACnet Server, including its Name, Port, and Network Interface. These fields are mandatory.
  5. Click Create Network.


NameName of the network
DescriptionDescription of the network, eg: level 1 network
PortDefault port is 47808 you can also set it to another port like 47809 if required.
EnableEnable the network
Network interfaceSelect the network interface:
- ETH-1 interface eth0
- ETH-2 interface eth1
Max poll rateSet max polling rate.
History EnableEnable network history
TagsRight-click the network then tags, meta-tags to add in query key words
Meta-TagsRight-click the network then tags, meta-tags to add in query key words
MessageSee Troubleshooting for list of messages
Statelast_ok: Indicates the time since the system has been error-free.
last_fail: Specifies the date and time of the most recent occurrence of a failure.

Editing a BACnet Network

  1. You can either click on the edit icon edit icon or right-click and edit
  2. Update as required or as needed.
  3. To save, hit the save button


Adding a BACnet Device

  1. Open the network you added by right-click Open
  2. Click on the Add add-button.png
  3. Enter the details required like Name, Object ID, Object Type etc.
  4. To save, hit the save button.
NameName of the device
DescriptionDescription of the device, eg: sensor 1
Host IPFill in for BACnet IP only, IP of the device you wanted to connect with
PortDefault port is 47808 you can also set it to another port like 47809 if required.
EnableEnable the device
Object IDRefers to the identifier of a specific object instance within a BACnet device or network.
Network NumberIdentifier that distinguishes different BACnet networks within a larger system.
Device MS/TP MAC AddressFor BACnet networks using MS/TP (Master-Slave/Token-Passing) communication, the MAC address (Media Access Control address) uniquely identifies each device on the network segment. It's essential for addressing and communication.
Device Max-ADPU (Application Data Protocol Unit)ADPU refers to the maximum size of data packets that the BACnet master can handle during communication with BACnet devices. It defines the maximum amount of data that can be sent or received in a single transmission.
Device SegmentationRefers to the capability of the BACnet master to handle large amounts of data by breaking them into smaller segments (ADPUs). It ensures efficient communication, especially over networks with limited bandwidth or where devices support different data sizes.
Poll Delay Between PointsThis parameter specifies the time interval between successive polls (requests for data) sent by Rubix CE to different BACnet devices or points (e.g., sensors, actuators).
TagsRight-click the device then tags, meta-tags to add in query key words
Meta-TagsRight-click the device then tags, meta-tags to add in query key words
MessageSee Troubleshooting for list of messages
Statelast_ok: Indicates the time since the system has been error-free.
last_fail: Specifies the date and time of the most recent occurrence of a failure.

BACnet Network Device Discovery (BACnet Who Is)

You can also do a BACnet device discovery to add the devices.

To add BACnet device automatically, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Discover tab.
  2. Click on the Discover icon.
  3. Wait for the device list to populate.
  4. Select the checkboxes next to the devices you want to connect to BACnet.
  5. Click on Add Devices.


Adding BACnet Points to a device

Add Manually

  1. Open the BACnet device by right-click and Open
  2. Click on the add button edit icon
  3. Enter the point details then save
NameName of the point
DescriptionDescription of the point, eg: temperature
EnableEnable the point
Object IDA unique identifier within a BACnet device that specifies a particular object instance. Each object in BACnet (such as analog input, binary output, etc.) is identified by a unique Object ID.
Object TypeObject Type specifies the class or type of the BACnet object.
Write ModeRefers to how the data associated with a particular point can be written or updated.
Read/Write TypeDefines how a BACnet object can be accessed and manipulated by other devices or controllers on the network
Round to DecimalsDefines the number of decimal places to which the value of a numeric object (like analog inputs or outputs) should be rounded.
FallbackRefers to the number of retries or attempts a device makes to establish communication or to perform an operation before it considers an action as unsuccessful.
UnitRefer to the specification of the measurement or data type associated with a particular data point or object
History TypeDetermines how historical data is recorded or stored for the object.
History IntervalSpecifies the time interval between consecutive history samples recorded for the object.
History COV Threshold (Change of Value Threshold)Sets the threshold value that triggers a change of value notification for historical records. When the object's value changes by an amount exceeding this threshold, a history update is recorded.
TagsRight-click the device then tags, meta-tags to add in query key words
Meta-TagsRight-click the device then tags, meta-tags to add in query key words
MessageSee Troubleshooting for list of messages
Statelast_ok: Indicates the most recent successful update of the latest value.
last_fail: Indicates the time when the issue first appeared, as specified in the message field.

BACnet Network Points Discovery (BACnet Discover Device Objects)

Here are the steps to add points to your BACnet device using Discovery:

  1. Open the BACnet device where the points you want to add reside.
  2. Navigate to the Discover tab.
  3. Click on Count Device Objects and then click Discover.
  4. Click on Discover Device Objects and then click Discover.
  5. Select the checkboxes next to the device objects you want to move to the BACnet points table.
  6. Click on Discover Points and then click Discover.
  7. Wait for the table to populate with points.
  8. Again, select the checkboxes next to the points you wish to add.
  9. Finally, click Add Points to complete the process of adding your BACnet points.


Point Settings

Poll Priority
Name- High
- Normal
- Low
Poll Rate

Select the required poll rate.


the time settings are set in the device settings

Poll Rate- Fast
- Normal
- Slow

Supported Services

Who Is

The BACnet: Who-Is Node allows you to broadcast a Who-Is message and await I-Am replies from BACnet compatible devices on your network.

Who-Is (Device and Object Discovery)Yes
I-Am (Device and Object Discovery)Yes
Read-Property (Data Sharing)Yes
Read-Property Multiple (Data Sharing)Yes
Write-Property (Data Sharing)Yes
Write-Property Multiple (Data Sharing)Yes
Subscribe COVNo

Read Properties

BACnet point example:

ObjectNumberSupported For Read
Analog Input0Yes
Analog Output1Yes
Analog Value2Yes
Binary Input3Yes
Binary Output4Yes
Binary Value5Yes
Event Enrollment9No
Multi-state Input13Yes
Multi-state Output14Yes
Notification Class15No
Multi-state Value19Yes

Write Properties

BACnet point example:

ObjectNumberSupported For Write
Analog Input0No
Analog Output1Yes
Analog Value2Yes
Binary Input3No
Binary Output4Yes
Binary Value5Yes
Event Enrollment9No
Multi-state Input13No
Multi-state Output14Yes
Notification Class15No
Multi-state Value19Yes