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Version: v0.2.3


Micro Edge is a LoRa® technology-based IoT sensor. It seamlessly captures data from your equipment and other assets, enabling you to make smart, data-driven decisions.

The micro Edge supports 3x UI (universal inputs) and 1x pulse input (normally used for a gas or water meter reading)



Up to 5 year battery life with a lithium battery.


Is a dry contact from reading a pulse meters such as Water Meters or Gas Meters.

UI, UI2 and UI3

Supports the following input types:

  • 10K temp sensors
  • 0-10dc input
  • On/Off input

Why LoRa

LoRa® is a low-power, long-range wireless technology designed for the Internet of Things. It is less affected by buildings and other obstructions than regular WiFi, with one gateway generally being able to provide coverage for a 70x70m, 3-story building.

  • Significantly longer range than for Bluetooth and WiFi
  • Drastically lower power consumption than for Bluetooth, WiFi, or 4G
  • AES128 encryption
  • Excellent penetration through obstacles
  • Highly versatile application, which translates into easier integration
