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Example RQL script

How to use

  • Copy, paste and modify example script.

1. Alerts


  • EntityType: gateway,network, device, point and service.
  • Type: ping, fault, threshold and flat-line.
  • Severity: crucial,minor,info and warning.

i. Gateway Offline Alerts

Show script
let result = [];

groups = RQL.ROS.GetGroups();

for (let group of groups) {
try {
hostStatusResult = RQL.ROS.UpdateHostsStatus(group?.UUID);
for (let host of hostStatusResult?.Hosts) {
if (host.PingFailCount > 0) {
alert = {
HostUUID: host.UUID,
EntityType: "gateway",
Type: "ping",
Status: "active",
Severity: "crucial",
Title: "gateway offline",
Body: `host: ${host.Name}, ping-fail-count: ${host.PingFailCount}`,
Tags: [
tag: "ping",

alertResult = RQL.AddAlert(alert.HostUUID, alert);
} catch (_) {

RQL.Result = result.length > 0 ? result : "no alerts";

ii. Sensor Offline Alerts

Show script
let result = [];
let networks = [];
const connectionErrorMessage = "Connection error";

function addAlert(hostUUID, entityType, type, severity, title, body, tags = []) {
alert = {
HostUUID: hostUUID,
EntityType: entityType,
Type: type,
Status: "active",
Severity: severity,
Title: title,
Body: body,
Tags: tags,
try {
res = RQL.AddAlert(alert.HostUUID, alert);
} catch (ex) {

hosts = RQL.ROS.GetHosts();
for (let host of hosts) {
opts = {
Args: {
WithDevices: true,
WithPoints: true,
HostUUID: host.UUID,
try {
networks = RQL.ROS.GetNetworks(opts);

for (let network of networks) {
body = `host: ${host.Name}, network: ${network.Name}`;
if (network.Enable == false) {
addAlert(host.UUID, "network", "fault", "info", "network offline", `${body} is disabled`);

for (let device of network.Devices) {
body = `${body}, device: ${device.Name}`;
if (device.Enable == false) {
addAlert(host.UUID, "device", "fault", "info", "device disabled", `${body} is disabled`);

for (let point of device.Points) {
body = `${body}, point: ${point.Name}, address-uuid: ${point.AddressUUID}`;
if (point.Enable == false) {
addAlert(host.UUID, "point", "fault", "info", "point disabled", `${body} is disabled`);

if (point.Message.includes(connectionErrorMessage)) {
addAlert(host.UUID, "point", "ping", "crucial", "sensor offline", `${body} is offline`);
} catch (ex) {

RQL.Result = result.length > 0 ? result : "no alerts";

iii. Sensor FlatLine/NoData Alerts

Show script
let result = [];
const hour = 1;
const serverHostUUID = "hos_b1f62bf4358443de";

function addAlert(hostUUID, entityType, entityUUID, type, severity, title, body, tags = []) {
try {
alert = {
HostUUID: hostUUID,
EntityUUID: entityUUID,
EntityType: entityType,
Type: type,
Status: "active",
Severity: severity,
Title: title,
Body: body,
Tags: tags,
res = RQL.AddAlert(alert.HostUUID, alert);
} catch (_) {

function getNHoursBeforeNow(n) {
const now = new Date();
now.setTime(now.getTime() - n * 60 * 60 * 1000);
return now.toISOString();

function isFlatLine(data = []) {
if (data.length === 0) {
return false;

const val = data[0].Value;
return data.every((history) => history.Value === val);

hosts = RQL.ROS.GetHosts();
for (let host of hosts) {
if (host.UUID === serverHostUUID) {
try {
netOpts = {
Args: {
WithDevices: true,
WithPoints: true,
HostUUID: host.UUID,
networks = RQL.ROS.GetNetworks(netOpts);

for (let network of networks) {
if (network.Enable == false || network.HistoryEnable == false) {

for (let device of network.Devices) {
if (device.Enable == false || device.HistoryEnable == false) {

for (let point of device.Points) {
if (point.Enable == false || point.HistoryEnable == false) {
try {
timestamp = getNHoursBeforeNow(hour);
histBody = {
Filter: `host_uuid=${host.UUID}&&point_uuid=${point.UUID}`,
FilterHistory: `timestamp>=${timestamp}`,
histOpts = {
Args: {},
HostUUID: serverHostUUID,
res = RQL.ROS.GetHistories(histBody, histOpts);

body = `host: ${host.Name}, network: ${network.Name}, device: ${device.Name},point: ${point.Name}, address-uuid: ${point.AddressUUID}`;
if (res.Data.length === 0) {
body = `${body} no data`
addAlert(host.UUID, "point", point.UUID, "fault", "crucial", "sensor no data", body);
if (isFlatLine(res.Data)) {
body = `${body} value:${res.Data[0].Value} flat line`
addAlert(host.UUID, "point", point.UUID, "flat-line", "crucial", "sensor flat line", body);
} catch (_) {
} catch (_) {

RQL.Result = result.length > 0 ? result : "no alerts";

iv. High/Low Threshold Alerts

Show script
let result = [];
const highThresholdKey = "HighThreshold";
const lowThresholdKey = "LowThreshold";

function addAlert(hostUUID, entityType, entityUUID, type, severity, title, body, tags = []) {
try {
alert = {
HostUUID: hostUUID,
EntityType: entityType,
EntityUUID: entityUUID,
Type: type,
Status: "active",
Severity: severity,
Title: title,
Body: body,
Tags: tags,

res = RQL.AddAlert(alert.HostUUID, alert);
} catch (_) {

hosts = RQL.ROS.GetHosts();
for (let host of hosts) {
try {
netOpts = {
Args: {
WithDevices: true,
WithPoints: true,
WithMetaTags: true,
HostUUID: host.UUID,
networks = RQL.ROS.GetNetworks(netOpts);

for (let network of networks) {
if (network.Enable == false) {
for (let device of network.Devices) {
if (device.Enable == false) {
for (let point of device.Points) {
if (point.Enable == false) {
for (let metaTag of point.MetaTags) {
title = ""
if (metaTag.Key === lowThresholdKey && metaTag.Value > point.PresentValue) {
title = "low threshold"
} else if (metaTag.Key === highThresholdKey && metaTag.Value < point.PresentValue) {
title = "high threshold";

if (title !== "") {
body = `host-name: ${host.Name}, network: ${network.Name}, device: ${device.Name},point: ${point.Name},
address-uuid: ${point.AddressUUID}, value: ${point.PresentValue}`;
addAlert(host.UUID, "point", point.UUID, "threshold", "crucial", title, body);
} catch (_) {

RQL.Result = result.length > 0 ? result : "no alerts";

2. Filter with Tags/MetaTags

i. Points filter with Tags/MetaTags

Show script
hostUUID = "";
opts = {
Args: {},
HostUUID: hostUUID,
body = {
Filter: "",

result = RQL.ROS.GetPoints(body, opts);

RQL.Result = result.length > 0 ? result : "no points";

With tags

  • Fields
  • tag:<tag> -> Network/Device/Point tag.
  • point_tag:<tag> -> Point tag.
  • Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • = -> Equal to.
  • != -> Not equal to.
  • Logical Operators
  • && -> And.
  • || -> Or.

Filter examples:

  • Filter:"(tag=tag1&&tag!=tag2)"
  • Filter:"(tag=tag1||tag!=tag2)"
  • Filter:"(point_tag=tag1&&point_tag!=tag2)"
  • Filter:"(point_tag=tag1||point_tag!=tag2)"

With meta tags

  • Fields
  • meta_tag_key_value:<key>:<value> -> Network/Device/Point meta tag key and value.
  • meta_tag_key_or_value:<key>:<value> -> Network/Device/Point meta tag key or value.
  • point_meta_tag_key_value:<key>:<value> -> Point meta tag key and value.
  • point_meta_tag_key_or_value:<key>:<value> -> Point meta tag key or value.
  • Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • = -> Equal to.
  • != -> Not equal to.
  • Logical Operators
  • && -> And.
  • || -> Or.

Filter examples:

  • Filter:"(meta_tag_key_value=key1:value1&&meta_tag_key_value=key2:value2)"
  • Filter:"(meta_tag_key_or_value=key1:value1&&meta_tag_key_or_value=key2:value2)"
  • Filter:"(point_meta_tag_key_value=key1:value1&&point_meta_tag_key_value=key2:value2)"
  • Filter:"(point_meta_tag_key_or_value=key1:value1&&point_meta_tag_key_or_value=key2:value2)"

ii. Histories filter with Tags/MetaTags

Show script
hostUUID = "";
opts = {
Args: {},
HostUUID: hostUUID,
body = {
Filter: "",

RQL.Result = RQL.ROS.GetHistories(body, opts);

With tags

  • Fields
  • tag:<tag> -> Network/Device/Point tag.
  • network_tag:<tag> -> Network tag.
  • device_tag:<tag> -> Device tag.
  • point_tag:<tag> -> Point tag.
  • Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • = -> Equal to.
  • != -> Not equal to.
  • Logical Operators
  • && -> And.
  • || -> Or.

Filter examples:

  • Filter:"(tag=tag1&&tag=tag2)"
  • Filter:"(tag=tag1||tag=tag2)"
  • Filter:"(network_tag=tag1&&device_tag=tag2&&point_tag=tag3)"
  • Filter:"(network_tag=tag1||device_tag=tag2||point_tag=tag3)"

With Meta tags

  • Fields
  • meta_tag_key_value:<key>:<value> -> Network/Device/Point meta tag key and value.
  • meta_tag_key_or_value:<key>:<value> -> Network/Device/Point meta tag key or value.
  • network_meta_tag_key_value:<key>:<value> -> Network meta tag key and value.
  • network_meta_tag_key_or_value:<key>:<value> -> Network meta tag key or value.
  • device_meta_tag_key_value:<key>:<value> -> Device meta tag key and value.
  • device_meta_tag_key_or_value:<key>:<value> -> Device meta tag key or value.
  • point_meta_tag_key_value:<key>:<value> -> Point meta tag key and value.
  • point_meta_tag_key_or_value:<key>:<value> -> Point meta tag key or value.
  • Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • = -> Equal to.
  • != -> Not equal to.
  • Logical Operators
  • && -> And.
  • || -> Or.

Filter examples:

  • Filter:"(meta_tag_key_value=tag1;value1:100&&meta_tag_key_or_value=tag2;value2)"
  • Filter:"(meta_tag_key_value=tag1;value1:100||meta_tag_key_or_value=tag2;value2)"
  • Filter:"(metwork_meta_tag_key_value=tag1;value1:100&&device_meta_tag_key_value=tag2;value2&&point_meta_tag_key_value=tag3;value3)"
  • Filter:"(metwork_meta_tag_key_or_value=tag1;value1:100&&device_meta_tag_key_or_value=tag2;value2&&point_meta_tag_key_or_value=tag3;value3)"

3. Histories metrics(Count,Sum,Avg,Min,Max)

Show script
result = {
OverallMetrics: {Count: 0, Sum: 0, Average: 0, Min: 0, Max: 0},
IndividualMetrics: [],
hostUUID = "hos_b1f62bf4358443de";
opts = {
Args: {},
HostUUID: hostUUID,

function calculateMetrics(values) {
Count = values.length;
if (Count === 0) {
return {Count: 0, Sum: 0, Average: 0, Min: 0, Max: 0};

Sum = values.reduce((sum, value) => sum + value.Value, 0);
Average = Sum / Count;

valueArr = => value.Value);
Min = Math.min(...valueArr);
Max = Math.max(...valueArr);

return {Count, Sum, Average, Min, Max};

body = {
Filter: "",
FilterHistory: `timestamp>2024-05-01T01:00:00Z&&timestamp<2024-06-30T01:00:00Z`,

histories = RQL.ROS.GetHistories(body, opts);

allValues = histories.Data.flatMap((history) => history.Values);

result.OverallMetrics = calculateMetrics(allValues);

for (history of histories.Data) {
metrics = calculateMetrics(history.Values);
result.IndividualMetrics.push({...history, ...{Metrics: metrics}});

RQL.Result = result;