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Getting Started

This page will demonstrate how to add wireless LoRa® Droplets and Micro Edges to the Rubix Compute. The Rubix Compute is a LoRa® Gateway/Reciever.

Adding a LoRa® Network

Important things to note before proceeding:
  • Install required apps driver-LoRa®
  • Install required modules LoRa®
NameName of the network
DescriptionDescription of the network, eg: level 1 network
EnableEnable the network
Serial PortA dropdown menu to choose the port where the Lora Network is connected.
Serial BaudrateA dropdown menu to choose speed at which data is transmitted over a serial communication interface
History EnableEnable network history
TagsRight-click the network then tags, meta-tags to add in query key words
Meta-TagsRight-click the network then tags, meta-tags to add in query key words
MessageSee Troubleshooting for list of messages
Statelast_ok: Indicates the time since the system has been error-free.
last_fail: Specifies the date and time of the most recent occurrence of a failure.
  1. Step-1 On the controller level, under drivers, click the create add icon to select and download and install the relevant network. Follow the wizard to continue installing the LoRa® network.
  2. Step-2 Select the LoRa® network. This will download the appropriate modules and drivers.
  3. Step-3 Once all the settings are added click on Submit button This should now create the LoRa® and network. Now open the LoRa® network to add a device.

Adding the LoRa® driver for the first time it will install a module dependency called LoRa®.

Summary Of Ports When Adding a Network

Depending on the LoRa® network use case the correct serial-port must be selected.


Device TypeLoRa® Port selection on Rubix Platform
Wireless Sensors - Droplets & Micro Edge/data/socat/loRa1
Rubix iO 16 in Wireless Mode/data/socat/serialBridge1
Rubix iO 16 in 485 Mode


Adding a LoRa® Sensor


See Nube iO supported sensors and gateways for more info sensors & gateway

Sensor Models

Sensor ModelSupports TemperatureSupports HumiditySupports MotionSupports Lux
  1. Step-1 Once inside the network, click the create add icon button and a pop-up will give you the type of sensors to select from. For this example, we will be using a THLM Droplet.
  2. Step-2 Follow the wizard to assign a name and description. Ensure to click Show advanced options and enable Auto mapping before submitting.
  3. Step-3 Enter the 8 digit serial number printed on the sensor and press submit.
  4. Step-4 Once the sensor has been added, view the points by right clicking the newly added device.



It may be necessary to wait or force a push from the sensor (by clicking the reset button on the sensor) for the values to show. Additional offsets, scaling fallback values, multiplication factors can also be applied if required. Try also clicking the 'refresh' button if the values do not update.